Wedding season is upon us. Whether you are Maid of Honor, Mother of the Bride, or the woman of the hour herself, the desire for radiant skin for is amplified when everyone’s eyes and cameras are fixed on you. The reality: this is one of the most hectic times in your life. Seating charts, catering, flower arrangements and keeping your wedding party in check can trump the to-do list, but keep in mind those wedding photos last forever. Possess that blissful glow you desire with these Five Tips to your Best Bridal Skin.
1) The Power of Zen
From your beautifully waved curls to your perfectly pedicured feet, no amount of prep work will end beauty bummers if your stress level isn’t under control. Stress causes a chemical reaction in your body that makes your skin more sensitive and reactive. Soothe your soul and reinvigorate your body by turning to meditation, yoga, running, or journaling.
2) Sip Those Greens
Instead of grabbing that second (or third) cup of joe, quench your thirst with hydrating and nutrient dense green juice. Full of vital vitamins, it helps eliminate toxins, reduces inflammation, and fosters that all-natural glow.
3) Feast on Almonds for Breakfast
In the weeks leading up to the big day incorporate soaked almonds into your morning routine. The Benefits: stunning and strong skin, nails, and hair. A good source of antioxidants, almonds resist free radical damage and prevent aging while repairing damaged skin tissues. Here’s how: Soak 10 raw almonds overnight in water. In the morning, peel the skin off and have them daily with your breakfast.
4) Treat Yourself to a Face Mask
A fast track to better skin. Hydrate, purify, and exfoliate all while relaxing - talk about multi-tasking. Take twenty minutes twice a week to wind down with the
NAVA JUNGOL Detoxifying Jungle Mask, this honey and clay based mask is infused with Turmeric, Spinach and Black Cumin to leave you with youthful, radiant skin.
5) Sweep Away Dull Skin
The art of Garshana (Dry Brushing), an ancient Ayurvedic beauty ritual, helps improve skin’s tone, banishes cellulite, and helps lymphatic drainage. On dry skin, before a shower use a dry brush (we like this one from goop) in sweeping motions starting from the feet upwards, always toward the heart. Try to incorporate this into your routine at least 4-5 times a week.
Bonus Sixth Secret: Don’t forget to smile! This time is as joyful as it is beautiful. Take a moment to live in the moment. Celebrate love, embrace the joie de vivre, and your face will glow.
Love + Light,