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As more and more people are becoming aware of what they put on and, in their body, a natural revolution is slowly taking place towards leading a cleaner lifestyle.  Exposed to the research and studies showing synthetic ingredients being linked to issues with the reproductive system, deemed as human carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, skin irritants and causes of many allergies have left many wary and nervous.  Now constantly surrounded by tons of information, it has become difficult to comb through what is pertinent when it comes to natural products and clean beauty.  We wanted to take a moment to break down what’s important when deciphering the nitty gritty when it comes to green beauty.

All natural does not mean it is synthetic chemical free – just because products say they are all natural does not mean they are synthetic free. The use of the term “natural” is not specifically defined or regulated in the beauty or food industry. While of course not all brands labeled natural are frauds, it is a very loose term used in these industries. Get versed in reading ingredients. While some scientific names may initially be difficult to identify, reaching a level of understanding of your ingredient list is well worth your time. Synthetic ingredients can not only be harmful, but they attempt to mimic what nature already provides.  So why not ditch the nasty chemicals and choose natural ingredients?

Know Your Preservatives – Ingredient lists are organized from highest concentration to lowest. Some ingredient lists may sound all natural but pay attention to the last few components. Often a product line may toot they are natural but may sneak in some nasty synthetics particularly through preservatives. For example, phenoxyethanol, a commonly used preservative has been linked to causing allergic reactions ranging from eczema and hives. Look for preservatives that are rooted from natural ingredients.

The Intelligence of Nature- Nature provides everything we need. This may be a simple statement, but a very powerful one. Many a time it is lost on us exactly how complex nature is. Everything is interrelated and has the capability to sustain and heal us.   We tend to forget that plants have life and energy which is how they grow and nourish themselves.  Botanicals have a natural intelligence to pass along these healing abilities.  When it comes to synthetic ingredients, they are attempting to recreate what nature already provides, thus losing its potential to be intuitive and provide the nutrition your skin needs.

Eco-friendly Packaging – Green beauty goes beyond ingredient lists. As you pay close attention to your non-toxic products, you should also focus on packaging that doesn’t pose a threat to our planet. Using certain plastics and other materials that are not eco-friendly or biodegradable can affect our ecosystem. In addition, these items may flow into the ocean and sea, resulting in releasing the toxic chemicals into our water or being ingested by the fish which we consume in turn still affecting our overall health.

Love + Light,

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